Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Power Laws of Internet

The authors proposed thee laws of power relationships on the topology of the Internet and used measurement studies on a sample of the Internet to validate these proposals.
1. The outdegree of a node is proportional to the rank of the node to the power of a constant.
This is useful to estimate the number of edges in the Internet as the function of number of nodes.
2. The frequency of an outdegree is proportional to the outdegree to the power of a constant.
3. The eigen values of a graph is proportional to the order to some power of a constant.

I find this paper to be somewhat strange. The author proposed three laws based on some intuition and used specific sample to validate those claims. This somehow lacks rigor and it seems to be that there is no way to know if the same law holds today without redoing a comprehensive measurement. Perhaps there is something significant that I am missing, but I find this paper to lack some rigor and I was hardly convinced after reading it.

1 comment:

Randy H. Katz said...

we are a bit behind in our blogging aren't we?