Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Interdomain Internet Routing

This lecture notes summarizes the key points in inter domain routing, and specifically focuses on the policy decisions that are made in BGP, and how BGP operates to achieve these policies. It explains in detail how BGP allows flexible policy configuration through a number of parameters.

I would have liked to see some explaination of how the BGP protocol helps to achieve some of the goals of Internet mentioned in first lecture. That is perhaps a worthwhile discussion in class.

Overall it is a very informative lecture notes. Its focus on the economic motivation behind a lot of these policies is particularly interesting. We should definitely keep it in the syllabus. However, I did notice that some concepts were repeatedly mentioned but not defined or explained. I think it is perfectly fine to refer to other papers in a technical paper, but as lecture notes, a brief definition would help students a lot. (eg, route oscillation, provider-based addressing etc.)

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